Thursday, October 27, 2005

A Reaction to Injustice

I have spent the last two hours doing absolutely nothing. Yes, I’m at work. No, I’m not alone in the office. Why do I not care about how much I slack off in the company of boss and co-workers, I hear you asking? Because I don’t have a job for much longer whether I’m Suzy Kiss-Ass Perfect, or Slacker McSlackerson. I hate my job and have since day one.

As I’ve posted before, I’ve been “terminated” from my job, although the actual termination is still about 40 days away. The first conversation my boss had with me about this subject went something like this…
Boss: “We need to talk about your plans for when you have the baby.”
Me: “Sure. What did you have in mind?”
Boss: “Well, March is a really inconvenient time for us here and we want to replace you by December.”
Me: “My due-date is inconvenient?” “Um… well, I suppose I could substitute.”
Boss: “That sounds good.” “We hope to hire your replacement by November, so you can train her, and then you’ll be gone by December.”
Me: [total shock] “Ooooo-kay.”

So since this initial conversation and the two carefully worded letters that followed supporting his original reason (and several hours with his attorney talking about my letters), my boss now insists that my “being let go” has nothing to do with my pregnancy. His new story is that my job was always temporary and only meant to be for a few weeks. When I reluctantly took this job, I was about to collect unemployment from my previous employer after a mass lay-off and had my days to myself. Why would I have taken a job “for a few weeks” and give up all that freedom? Answer: I didn’t. I agreed to a permanent, full-time job with a review in 90 days that he chose never to have.

Long story short—my boss has lied to me, to my family and he’s done it to our faces. When I’m super sweet to him, helpful and put up with his yelling, constant frustration, bizarre outbursts and intolerance of questions, it gets me nowhere. When I’m a bitch, ignore him, act like a smart-ass, and goof around all day, it still gets me nowhere, but at least I get to enjoy my day a bit more. What would you call this attitude?


Anonymous said...

well, i wouldn't call that attitude pedant. heh heh.
for real, though, considering the impending boot, i'd probably opt for the latter office personality. :) ~jah

Anonymous said...

Your aunt (jah) told me about this blog, so I came by to read and I REALLY like it!! Your writing is clever and interesting and you have a real talent for it. I will definitely be back! Can I link to you? Please?
~Melissa (jah's soulsis)

Anonymous said...

eww... sounds like you don't need that job anyway!!
Hey, I'm Nik - jah's girl ;) I'm looking forward to reading your stuff! Feel free to check out mine too.

Anonymous said...

OH!! One more thing I forgot to mention - I read your "about me" profile dealio - a very, very dear person who has taken claim to a piece of my heart, bought me THE ENTIRE Chronicles of Narnia set for my birthday!! WOOHOO!! I'm SOOO very excited about the books and the upcoming movie. I'm on Prince Caspian right now. Have you read them all?

Naomi said...

Hey Nik. I'm currently reading through the Chronicles of Narnia (in order) to prepare for the movie's release. I'm a nerd. :)

Anonymous said...

Order - yes, we need to talk. I'm thoroughly confused about the order in which to read the books.