Thursday, September 14, 2006

At 2:35 am…

You really mellow out. You create playlists for entire years of your life (post to come later). You start writing 4 different things at one time. Everything gets supernaturally quiet and you can think long luxurious, indulgently contemplative thoughts. No one interrupts you. There’s not much on T.V. You carefully dissect the difference between insomnia and just not sleeping. It’s fun to watch people sleeping. Eating cereal tastes better. Song lyrics become especially poignant. It’s lonely. You have amazing ideas! It’s easier to write. Mess doesn’t bother you. Your bare feet get cold faster. The muscles in your legs begin to ache. Everything seems like a good idea (like this post). Perhaps you just care less. Grammar is more of a hindrance. It is the perfect time to remember something in detail. It is not a good time to make resolutions. You find yourself tucking people in. Your dog looks at you like you’re keeping her up. You worry that not sleeping now will cause problems tomorrow, which only makes avoiding sleep that much more inevitable. You check on your children. Noises like, turning on a lamp or the ticking of a clock are a lot louder. You remember every dawn you’ve ever seen. Sleep becomes an object of lust and like lust, it only gets more seductive with each moment you deny yourself.

Boring Answers to Questions

I totally stole these from Jay’s blog. I’m bored, what can I say? Don’t you just love these and what they say about how self-obsessed we are? With that said… :)

1. FIRST NAME? Naomi
2. WERE YOU NAMED AFTER ANYONE? I was supposed to be named Julia, but my dad had a emotional moment in the book of Ruth after I was born, now I’m named after an old lady from the Old Testament.
3. WHEN DID YOU LAST CRY? Three days ago, on the phone with my sister.
4. DO YOU LIKE YOUR HANDWRITING? Depends on the pen… mostly, yes.
5. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE LUNCH MEAT? salami, but I never eat it.
6. KIDS? Seeing as how I currently smell like a mix of stale milk and baby lotion… yes and I love every minute of it too.
8. DO YOU HAVE A JOURNAL? Not right now.
9. DO YOU USE SARCASM A LOT? I laughed out loud at Jay’s response to this question. As for me, yes, or at least I used to. Someone else tell me.
10. DO YOU STILL HAVE YOUR TONSILS? Yes. That’s a weird question.
11. WOULD YOU LIKE TO BUNGEE JUMP? In theory, yes, but I have this fear that my knee will dislocate when the cord catches me.
12. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE CEREAL? Cookie crisp, but I hardly ever eat that anymore either.
13. DO YOU UNTIE YOUR SHOES WHEN YOU TAKE THEM OFF? I don’t usually wear shoes with laces.
14. DO YOU THINK YOU ARE STRONG? Lower body… yes. Upper body is getting stronger all the time now.
16. SHOE SIZE? 6.5 17. RED OR PINK? um… red I guess.
18. WHAT IS THE LEAST FAVORITE THING ABOUT YOURSELF? I overanalyze and turn into a hermit.
20. DO YOU WANT EVERYONE TO SEND THIS BACK TO YOU? I’m not sending it to anyone.
22. LAST THING YOU ATE? popcorn
23. WHAT ARE YOU LISTENING TO RIGHT NOW? Trespassers William, Lie In the Sound. What a great mental image. I’m not listening to anything, I’m lying in the sound.
24. IF YOU WERE A CRAYON, WHAT COLOR WOULD YOU BE? Aquamarine and sometimes Jungle Green.
25. FAVORITE SMELL? Sunblock, rain, old books and baby’s neck.
29. FAVORITE DRINK? Diet Dr. Pepper
31. EYE COLOR? Hazel Green
32. HAT SIZE??? I have no idea.
34. FAVORITE FOOD? Sushi, cheese, olives, tomatoes and any kind of fish
35. SCARY MOVIES OR HAPPY ENDINGS? not scary movies, but all kind of endings work for me… depends on the story.
36. LAST MOVIE YOU WATCHED (IN A THEATER)? An Imax movie about Greece
37. WHAT COLOR SHIRT ARE YOU WEARING? I’m wearing two. One gray, one white.
39. HUGS OR KISSES? kisses
40. FAVORITE DESSERT? Anything with strawberries in it.
41. WHO IS MOST LIKELY TO RESPOND? I’m not sending, remember?
42. LEAST LIKELY TO RESPOND??? I’m getting tired of answering this type of question.
43. WHAT BOOKS ARE YOU READING? The Moon and Sixpence by W. Somerset Maugham. Studying? Beth Moore’s Study on the book of Daniel.
44. WHAT'S ON YOUR MOUSE PAD? Don’t have one.
45. WHAT DID YOU WATCH ON TV LAST Night? Project Runway
47. THE FURTHEST YOU'VE BEEN FROM HOME? Where I am right now.
48. WHAT'S YOUR SPECIAL TALENT? I can grow human beings in my belly.
49. WHERE AND WHEN WERE YOU BORN? Republic of South Africa, ‘79
50. WHO SENT THIS TO YOU? No one. I pilfered it from Jay’s blog.
1. What time did you get up this morning? 7:15 with the baby
2. Diamonds or pearls? I own both, but I love sapphires the best
3. What is your favorite TV show? The Cosby Show, Project Runway, Futurama, Star Trek: TNG, The Office, Freaks and Geeks and the Wonder Years. Notice how few of those are actually still on TV?
4. What did you have for breakfast? Nothing
5. What is your middle name? Anne
6. What food do you dislike? Potatoes, carrots, celery.
7. Your favorite Potato chip? I don’t like potatoes in any form
8. What is your favorite CD at the moment? I’ve been listening to Helen Steller a lot lately.
9. What kind of car do you drive? Toyota Camry, but I don’t feel properly illuminated by the kind of car I drive… actually that would be really sad if that summed me up.
10. What characteristics do you despise? Just plain old ignorance and superiority
11. Favorite item of clothing? A pair prepregnancy jeans, I just got back into.
12. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go? This is impossible to answer because I’m always fantasizing about other places… it’s my curse in life. Okay… Japan, Italy, New Mexico, Costa Rica, South Africa, somewhere where it rains a lot, Switzerland, New Zealand…
13. What color is your bathroom? Light green and the other is purple
14. Favorite brand of clothing? Anne Taylor and J. Crew
15. Where would you retire? Someplace near the ocean16. Favorite time(s) of day? Dawn and twilight
17. What laundry detergent do you use? Lately, Dreft, a baby detergent that’s dye and fragrance free. It’s nice… I smell like a baby all the time.
18. Are you a morning person or night owl? Total night owl even with a little baby. It’s an illness.
19. Do you have pets? One poodle with A.D.D.
20. Any new and exciting news you’d like to share with your friends? Most definitely, none. I’m okay with that.
21. What (who) did you want to be when you were little? Everything from a brain surgeon to a nun. But, the only thing I’ve always wanted to be is a mom so even with the glaring lack of professional success to my name… I guess I’m still doing okay.
22. Favorite Candy Bar? Hershey bar23. What is your best childhood memory? Only a few… My mom picking me and Christina up from school on a snow day. She rented the cartoon version of the Lion Witch and the Wardrobe (a childhood favorite) and we sat on the floor and ate chili and drank coke from a glass bottle. I still have a thing about glass bottles. Another is when I used to pretend that I had fits in my sleep to make my cousins laugh. Riding on the back of my dad’s motorcycle, making entire living room sized tents, playing puppies, playing with my cousins “boy” toys whenever we visited. So many… childhood was the best.
24. What are the different jobs you have had in your life? Yuck. Um, waitress, spokes model (no laughing), secretary, administrative peeon, substitute teacher, writing tutor (if you can believe it).
25. What color underwear are you wearing? Pink
26. Nicknames? Nomi, Nomsie, Sugarlump (that one was from my Gran),
27. Piercing? A few, only the traditional earlobe ones were a good idea.
28. Eye color: hazel green
29. Ever been to Africa? Yes
30. Ever been toilet papering? Sadly, yes31. Love someone so much it made you cry? Yes, and at first sight too.32. Been in a car accident? Several
33. Croutons or bacon bits? Neither
34. Favorite day of the week? Well, mostly Saturdays, but I like most for different reasons.
35. Favorite restaurant? Tokyo, Ironwood Grill, Tim’s in Bethany for Dr. Peppers or old roadside places… love that.
36. Favorite flower? White Calla Lilies37. Favorite ice cream? Cherry Vanilla
38. Disney or Warner Brothers? Matt Groening
39. Favorite fast food restaurant? Taco Cabana, Chik fil A or anyplace with great burgers… mostly local stuff though like Bunnies.
40. What color is your bedroom carpet? Beige-ish
41. How many times did you fail your driver’s test? None
42. Before this one, from whom did you get your last e-mail? Blockbuster. Hoot is on the way.
43. Which store would you choose to max out your Credit Card? Any home store, Best Buy, The Mac Store, Christian Louboutain, a Volvo dealership. :)
44. What do you do most often when you are reading? read… am I missing something?
45. Bedtime? Don’t have one. I love the feeling of exhaustion when the world is asleep.
46. Who are you most curious about their responses to this questionnaire? Not sending it to anyone, just stealing an easy blog post idea from someone else.
47. Ford or Chevy? Yikes, neither.
49. What is your favorite color? White
50. Lake, Ocean or River? All. I’m obsessed with water, but ocean comes to mind first though.
51. How many tattoos do you have? 2
52. Which came first, the chicken or the egg? Chicken, duh.
53. Red or White? BLUE! What kind of question is this?
54. Where would you go for a guys/girls weekend get-a-way? A very secluded spa in Arizona maybe.
55. What would you do if you had to select another career? Seeing as how I don’t really have much of a career, all options are mine. In an ideal world, I would be a music writer.
56. Republican or Democrat? Democrat, but I’m open minded.
57. Favorite Family Vacation? Someplace with water. When I was 10 we drove to California with my cousins and aunt and uncle. We hit Amarillo, Albuquerque, Vegas, Flagstaff and everything in between. That was awesome.
58. Favorite Movie? Oh, there are so many… Amelie, Life As a House, Whalerider, Monty Python and the Meaning of Life and I have to agree with Jay here and say most Cameron Crowe movies.
59. All Time Favorite Concert? So far… Steve Miller Band when Big Bad Voodoo Daddy opened for them in Dallas. My dream concert though (and it’s just never worked out yet) is sitting on the lawn in the twilight while enjoying an aural orgasm courtesy of James Taylor.