Thursday, February 10, 2005

I am a kept woman, and I'm diggin' it!

I am unemployed… and I’m thrilled about it. No, it wasn’t voluntary, and no, I wasn’t fired. I was the product, nay… the victim of corporate downsizing; of first quarter budget cuts; of litigation lock; of a post-9/11 America. I feel so American right now—like maybe I should go down to the local pub… I mean bar and have a few pints… I mean beers to drown out the reality of my lost dignity. Nah. Instead I’ll just …WOOHOO, I got laid off! I finally get some time off! What shall I do with my stolen time? The possibilities are endless and so is my bank balance! Okay, I’m just wishing with that last comment. Either way, I’m a free woman to do as I please; go where I want to go for as long as I want to be there! Granted, I share living expenses with this guy in exchange for being a devoted, adoring wife… blahbity bloo, so I’m not overly concerned with my new status.
Of course, in my two days of unemployment, I have slept-in a grand total of one hour, worn my pajamas for an extra 4 hours, cleaned my house compulsively, produced one print ad and attended one job interview. I’m thinking I should take my unemployment a little more seriously. I’m not going to get any relaxed lazing about in while I’m rushing to job interviews and tidying the house! My word, the total lack of lethargy is shocking! I think… ahhhhh… I think I’m actually doing more work that I was before the big lay off!

Resolution: Will sleep until at least 9:00am everyday until returning to working life; will decrease overall amount of scrubbing and/or organizing in house by 50%; lastly, will say “no” to job offers that do not meet my need for satisfaction and purpose.

Monday, February 07, 2005

Friday, February 04, 2005

Shifty thoughts from a shifty person

I received an email from my Godmother today. Yes, I have a Godmother! Anyway, it was one of those encouraging, slide show emails. All the pictures were scenes from Pixar movies or short films and next to each one was a "thoughtful phrase." Insert rolled eyes here. Well, one phrase kind of stuck with me—partly because I wrote it down on a post-it and stuck it to my monitor in front of me.
Dream what you want to dream;
Go where you want to go;
Be what you want to be;
Because you have only one life
And one chance to do all the things
You want to do.
Besides the pseudo-stanza format and simple idea, I quickly realized that this "thoughtful phrase" kind of summed up what I'd been trying to explain to my friends and family about how I feel right now. It has recently occurred to me that dreams can be very silly things on which to spend your energy, due to the fact that they can be so easily crushed. Maybe I'm immature. Maybe I've suffered one too many losses in the past two years. Either way, I suddenly feel the intense need to live in the Now. I don't mean this in a "life is short, stop and smell the roses kind of way," but in more of a defeatist, give up and just get drunk sort of way. Hey, I don't want to be anyone's role model. If you're looking for wisdom in the face of painful circumstances, you've come to the wrong place.

* I hereby reserve the right to edit or disown any of my statements about life, as I find I have almost no knowledge on the subject and plan on simply wading through the process until I eventually kick it.

Things confused people say a.k.a. I am a pedantic ass

Hi to all. I can't understand why anyone would read these, but thanks anyway Mom.
Well, I'm a very uninteresting person with a prolific flow of tired thoughts, many of which have already been addressed more articulately by better writers throughout the ages. As a preface, allow me to state for the record, that I don't claim (nor would I want) to be a writing or grammar expert. I find people who flaunt their mountainous knowledge of grammar were really ugly in High School, and have no other way to assert themselves in this miserable world. So, keep on studying those grammar guides guys--they'll get you far in life.
While I'm setting the tone here, let me say that I don't intend to be entertaining or necessarily thought provoking. If I am, it is merely by coincidence and don't assume too much about me. I'm actually a very shallow person and most of my deeper thoughts are brought on by an especially effecting piece of music or some type of hallucinogenic. Okay, I'm lying--I'm overly contemplative and it makes me sick. Damn.
Enough self deprecation let the frivolous ramblings begin!