Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Media Fast

Today I am on a media fast. The reasons are not what I’m going to focus on here. Rather, I am cataloging this short, but surprisingly extreme experience and my thoughts as I attempt to cut out what has recently been revealed to be a major part of my life. This is a one day fast, as I’m not sure how long a fast I could actually handle.

The rules exclude the following; all television, movies, CDs and all other music*, games of any kind, books*, internet* and magazines.
Allowable media includes; email, telephone, Bible and devotional texts, some Christian music (just so I don’t loose my mind), internet use for work (as necessary) and for posting this.

*Bible, Biblical texts, some Christian music, internet for perfunctory uses only

The purpose of this fast isn’t stupidly religious, don’t worry. I just thought I’d exploit this time to foster a love for the things of God.


I began at 12:00pm. This morning, I listened to my satellite radio on my way to work. When I got here, I listened to my Ipod (Remy Zero) as I browsed a favorite website forum to see what was new. I posted several times before my fast began at noon. I find that the temptation to see if my posts have any new responses is close to unbearable.

As five o’clock nears, I realize that my greatest temptation is yet to come. When I arrive home, I will be greeted by my two dogs, and a brand new 37” television that has recently been hooked up with digital cable. That large screen and its 260 channels will be calling out to me like a siren’s song. The plan to resist is as follows; I will take my medication (which often makes me sleepy) and lie down with my Bible or a devotional book. It’s more like an Amish fast. I will read until I fall asleep, if I fall asleep. A short nap will follow. I hope to either make a nice dinner or go out to eat to help distract me from the Xbox in the back room or my computer in the office (also newly equipped with cable internet). After dinner I plan to attend church—a rarity for me on a Wednesday night. I decided a trip to my regular church in Mustang was more punishment than fast, so I’ve opted to attend another Nazarene Church closer to home, Bethany First Church. I enjoy the times that I’ve been there and I find the preaching to actually be informative and inspiring. I feel like I’ll leave there further inspired and ready to continue with my fast until tomorrow at noon.

When I get home after church, I have no idea what to do. I suppose I’ll be forced to get into the Word and pray for a while (longer than I tend to). I’ve been a Christian almost all my life and have gone to Church as long as I can remember, but I don’t think of myself as being especially religiously zealous. So, for me, this unavoidable emersion is actually going to be quite difficult at first. I could be wrong so we’ll see.

Lastly, I plan to take a long shower and go to bed a bit early. When I wake up I’ll have to head to work and I’ll be distracted there until after my fast ends.

I’ll let you know how all this goes tomorrow.

1 comment:

jenn said...

good luck : )