Sunday, December 04, 2005

Aaaaaaaaand the Discussion Continues...

I'm so sick of being the only slightly liberal member of my family! When we get together and the moment the discussion gets mildly political in nature, SUDDENLY everything turns into a discussion about religion. Why can't people see the difference between something being considered wrong Biblically and my not feeling it's right to suppress a person's freedom of expression? Is it just me or does any other thinking Christian out there see the scary reality headed our way on this issue--that if we insist on curbing the creative rights of others because elements of their fiction go against Biblical teachings, that we ourselves are just moments away from experiencing creative and political persecution.

Someone asked me if I felt television was influencing my view of homosexuality. My answer was no and I feel that way because on that particular issue and in my life, I find that art is simply imitating life and not the other way around. Sure, that's not true for everyone but again, my life... that particular issue. Then all hellfire came down on me because these "traditional, fundamental" call them what you will Christians can NOT hear what I've just said. Not once did I utter a word about my view on the issue of sexual orientation, yet somehow, the yelling began from every angle! I'm not even the most liberal person I know, in fact, I hate the labeling of political ideas period. I don't flip out when they don't agree with my ideals. I don't yell excessively until they relent, I don't start preaching, and most certainly don't put on that smug face of superiority because I believe my ideas are supported by the Bible. Why is that where they "go?" Is it not possible that true adherence to the teachings of God's Word circumvents the need for this type of discussion entirely? Clearly, both sides of this argument need to spend a little more time in study and a little less time trying to get other people's attention.


Mike said...

This is interesting stuff. I'm kind of curious if the whole "homosexuals on TV" thing is your example of right wing Christians wanting to suppress artistic freedom or if you have other examples in mind as well...

I found myself in a similar discussion a couple nights ago over the damn Harry Potter business. I knew I was in trouble when she said "I don't think Harry Potter is evil but..." That was a pretty important BUT. I just ended it by saying "Ok." (Because I really don't see anything wrong with kids reading fanciful fiction.)

Naomi said...

The fictional representation of homosexuality and its power to change our views of homosexuality was actually brought up by my dad. I have said this before (and been slammed against the altar for it before also), but I think it's very dangerous to start justifying the "suppression" of certain types of art for moral, religious or political reasons. Sadly, this whole discussion would be totally unnecessary if the average person would bother to educate themselves properly on the subject they claim to have such knowledge about.

As for the Harry Potter part of this same issue, you should check out this site sometime: