Friday, May 11, 2007

Why I Love You

After a discussion I had recently with a good friend, I decided I wanted to waste everyone’s time listing the specific things I love about the people I love. This is the result and I’m sure, a work in progress.
In no particular order…

Jason: I love your bravery, your vulnerability, your ability to forgive and care for others. I love your silliness and am always thrilled by your suddenly intense or poignant thoughts. I love your strength and your innocence. I love that you’re nothing like me. I love that you try and always hear what I say even if I can’t tell. I love the you I met, the you I fell for and the you you’ve become. I love spending all my time with you and I love that you love me the way you do. You’re my favorite person in the entire world. I love you period.

Jager: I love your smile, your tender little heart, your sense of humor and lack of fear (although that does scare me a bit). I love you from your head to your toes and from your skin to your soul! I love you for choosing me and for making me something I’ve always wanted to be… your mother.

Christina: I love that you’re always there, even when I don’t know it. I love your loyalty and your always bizarre sense of humor and its perfect timing. You are so and real and I love that about you. I love you for turning pain into laughter.

Jonie: I love that you never hold back and love so passionately not only your lover and children, but your friends… I love that I never feel like I’m struggling alone because your always a phone call away. I love you for rescuing me from myself. I love your humor, wisdom and bravery.

Mom: I love your encouraging spirit. I don’t know what I’d do if I didn’t have you to so selfishly draw faith from. You are strength to me and I adore you more every day. I love your love of fun and of life! I love your sacrificial nature and I love that you struggle with things and that you’re real. No one could ever replace you.

Dad: I love your intensity and intellectual nature. I love how freely you show how you feel and how you can’t hide a thing. I love the Dad you were when I was small and I love the Dad and Grandfather you are trying so hard to be in the face of your devastation. I love your tenacity and loyalty.

Jay: I love your passion and your searching nature. I love your humor and its irony in a person as intense as you. I admire your respect for others and love that you care and feel so passionately and so privately at the same time. I love watching you become a whole new man.

Dave: I love the big brother you’ve always been to me. I love your passionate nature and your ability to adapt and love intensely. I love that you reach for people when you need them and struggle to always do what’s right.

Clara: I love your honesty with yourself. I love how brave you’ve become in the wake of your greatest loss. I love watching you rise from those ashes and I love the woman you’re becoming. I love your passionate loyalty and for never hesitating to fear and suffer with others. It’s impossible to feel alone with you in the world.

Gavin: I love the independent and creative man you’ve become. I love your strength and ability to communicate with others. I love your sacrificial nature and your private generosity. I admire you above most others. I love how your father is reflected in you.

Melanie: I loved that you always loved me even when you hurt me. I loved how proud you were of your family. I loved your weird sense of humor and moments of genuine truthfulness and revelation of your fear. I loved you where honest and I loved my memories of childhood shared with you. I loved your passion and I respected your struggle to win your life back.

Charmaine: I love your innocence and that you love genuinely. I love that there isn’t a mean thing about you and that if I ask you’ll give of yourself until the end. I love your generosity and sweetness.

Jarrod: I love your displays of affection and desire to please even if you struggle with what you really want. I love that you let me love you back and your intense loyalty. I admire your strength to love even those who have hurt you.

Jody: I love that you let yourself be a sibling to me. I love that you share your time and knowledge so freely. I love you for loving the people that I love.

Marie: I love you for caring for my husband and raising him to be the kind of man that I could love. I love your tender heart and your ability to listen and care earnestly.

Jean: I love your desperate need to express how much you love others. I love the intense wave of thoughts and feelings that go through you every moment. I love your kindred heart and your restless spirit. I love that I recognize your soul if that makes any sense.

Butch: I love you for being a father to the man I love. I love you because so much of him comes from you and I love your loyalty to your family. I love the way you’ve loved your wife for so many years and making marriage look easy.

Jen L.: I love your carefree spirit and love of life, family and adventure. I love how you can simplify things and make a person feel comfortable anywhere and like they aren’t alone in the room.

Jen R.: I love your intensity and zeal for almost everything! I love your tenacity, your energy and your desire to pursue the truth. I love your innocence and respect your apprehension as well.

I'm sure there are others, but that's it for now...


Anonymous said...

OK...thats waz SO HEART FELT! keep it goin~~



Naomi said...

Thanks. Wish I knew who you were though.